I am sorry for the lack of pictures! some will be up very soon!!!
Today my bowls came out of the glaze and they are both looking really nice!!! Check them out of my grading blog!!
Both of my bowls came out of the bisque today! They are looking good! my tall project went into the bisque as well. I also glazed both bowls. one is a striped bowl that i plan to make tribal printed and the other in shadow green and clear.
Today in ceramics I footed my cup and put my bowls on the bisque shelf. I then pulled a handle for my cup so that it is now a mug!! That should be
Today in ceramics I footed the two bowls that I had made yesterday, I also made a cylinder, which i plan to turn into a mug. This will be put on my blog as my tall project.
So far in ceramics I have made a lot of cool projects! Today I made my two bowls which I plan to foot tomorrow so that they can get fired!